Welcome to St. Maximilian Kolbe’s Class
Teacher: Mrs Brown
Teaching Assistant(s): Mrs Watkins
Teacher: Mrs Brown
Teaching Assistant(s): Mrs Watkins
Lent 1 Term- what will we learn?
Hello Families,
Welcome to Year 1’s class page. I am so excited to be teaching in year 1 for my third year now, I love year 1 and I am very excited for the year ahead. Please read below for an overview of what the children will be learning about this first Lent term:
In Phonics in year 1, we use Little Wandle Phonics which follows on from their phonics learning in reception. In Phonics this half term, we will be carrying on with phase 5 phonics. Phase 5 includes learning alternative graphemes for phonemes (sounds) we already know (e.g. ‘ay’ in play) , or alternative phonemes for graphemes we already know (e.g ‘ow’ in snow). We will practise reading and writing words and sentences with these sounds in them and we will learn some new tricky words. On top of this, we will continue practising the phase 2, 3 and 4 words and sounds we have learnt so far.
In English this term, we will be writing instructions for planting our bean seed, which we will be planting as part of our Science learning. We will then be writing a story based on the story of ‘The Enormous Turnip’.
In Maths this term, we will be moving on to place value within 20, to support children in growing their number sense of numbers up to 20. We will then be moving onto addition and subtraction within 20.
In RE, we will be starting the new topic of ‘Special People’. In this topic, we will think about special people in our lives which help us, and we will learn about people who do special jobs in Church to help us celebrate Jesus when we go to mass. We will the move onto the next topic of Meals. In this topic we will think about some of the special meals we share with our families, and we will learn about the Last Supper and explore how mass is Jesus’ special meal.
Our topic this term is called Growth and Green Fingers. Within this topic we will be learning all about different types of plants and how they grow. The subjects we will be learning as part of this topic are Science, Art, and Design and Technology.
In Science, we will be looking at different types of plants (flowers and trees), their different parts, and the different jobs which each part does. We will also be learning about what plants need to grow healthy, and the difference between evergreen and deciduous trees.
In Art, we will be learning to carry out observational drawings of plants using different materials (e.g. paint, oil pastels, water colours, sketching pencils) and in Design and Technology, we will be making our own fruit salads, using fruits which the children have chosen themselves.
In Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) and PSHE (Personal, social, health and economic) our topics this term will be ‘Created to love others’. Created to Love Others explores the children’s relationship with others. Building on the understanding that we have been created out of love and for love, this module explores how we take this calling into our family, friendships and relationships, and teaches strategies for developing healthy relationships and keeping safe both online and in our daily lives.
PE this term will still be on a Monday and a Friday, and the children will be doing….
You will see below our timetable for this first lent term along with the knowledge organisers for our different subjects this term.
Look out for up-to-date messages and homework on Class Dojo.
Many thanks,
Mrs Brown and Mrs Watkins
Year 1 Lent 1 Weekly Timetable
Lent 1 Science Knowledge Organiser
Lent 1 Design & Technology Knowledge Organiser
Lent 1 Art Knowledge Organiser
As well as covering two other faiths- Judaism and Islam.
Little Wandle Graphemes Chart
Little Wandle Tricky Words by Phase and Term
End of Year One Expectations:
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