Welcome to St. Brigid’s Class

Teacher: Miss Fonseca

Teaching Assistant(s): Mrs Wilson & Mrs Shah

Year 6 time table for Spring 2:

Year 6 Timetable Spring 2


Homework will be set on Mondays and will need to be completed by the following Monday. I will post the homework on dojo.

Activities they can do in addition to their homework:

Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (ttrockstars.com)

Hit the Button – Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (topmarks.co.uk)

ReadTheory | Free Reading Comprehension Practice for Students and Teachers


This will be a very important component of your writing this year. You are expected to learn spelling most words from the 5 / 6 list.

Please click on the links below to practise the Year 5 and 6 words as well as revise the Year 3 and 4 words (these should all be spelt correctly).

There will be a test near the end of each term to test these spellings:

Year 5 and 6 word list(opens in new tab)

Years 3 and 4 word list(opens in new tab)

Common Exception Words(opens in new tab)

Spelling Strategies To Use To Learn Spellings(opens in new tab)

Look, Cover, Say, Write Sheet

Grammar and Punctuation links: