St Mary’s Primary School’s Parent Teacher Association ( The Friend’s of St Mary’s: FOSM) is actively involved in the life of the school. All staff, parents and carers at the school are always invited to attend meetings and get involved in social events and fund-raising.
The aim of FOSM is to advance the education and well-being of the pupils of the school in the following ways: By developing effective relationships between the staff, parents and others associated with the school. By engaging in events and providing facilities or equipment which support the school and advance the education and well-being of the pupils. Ensuring that the children have fun and enjoy their time at St Mary’s, through social events and other sponsored activities.
The Friends of St Mary’s Committee;which includes parents, staff and Governors, is elected by members annually and is responsible for decisions relating to the Association and it’s funds. Thousands of pounds have been fundraised through discos, cake sales, talent shows, fairs and crafting activities, to name just a few. This has enabled the school to buy benches, reading books, lego and a great deal of other equipment which has benefitted all the children in school.
As a charity and voluntary association the FOSM can only achieve as much as the commitment of it’s membership allows. We invite all parents, carers and staff to consider getting involved and helping in whatever capacity they can.
You can add any ideas or let the chairs, secretary, vice chairs and other parents know what you could be involved in on this closed social media link: .