At St Mary’s the wellbeing and safety of all the children is everyone’s responsibility, with safeguarding having the highest priority. Everyone fully recognises their contribution to protect and support the pupils in school and their welfare is of paramount importance to everyone. The school has a duty to refer to social services any child they have a concern about and to make a request for Early help. St Mary’s is also an Operation Encompass school.
Safeguarding And Child Protection Policy 23 24 March Updates
All staff are trained in dealing with safeguarding disclosures and receive annual safeguarding training. The DSL has also had operation encompass training. If you wish to talk to the school’s DSL ( Designated Safeguarding lead), please contact Miss Jordan via the school office on 01509 212 621. If Miss Jordan is unavailable, please ask to speak to one of the deputy DSL’s below.
The School’s Deputy DSLs are: Mrs Rutledge (Deputy Headteacher), and Mrs Watkins ( teaching assistant, ELSA and mental health lead)
The School’s Safeguarding Lead Governor is Mrs Jane Monaghan: The Chair of Governors.
In out of school hours: If you are concerned that a child is in immediate danger, ring the police. If you have concern about a child: please refer it to Social care.
Telephone: 0116 3050005 : please also see the weblinks and contacts below.
Safeguarding e-mail address:
Report your concerns about a child or young person: speak to the school’s DSL: If it is in the school holidays/ weekends or out of hours: please use the contacts below:
Safeguarding e-mail address:
School’s Safeguarding email address:
If you are worried about a child or young person and think they may be a victim of neglect, abuse or cruelty, contact your local Children’s Social Care office – please see the links below.
If it is an emergency, you should call the Police on 999.
Police: 101 (non-emergency number)
Crimestoppers: 0800 555 111 (free and confidential)
You do not need to know everything about the child or what is happening. You may just be worried, or feel that something is not right.