Welcome to St. Lorenzo’s Class

Teacher: Miss Buttarazzi

Teaching Assistant(s): Mrs Adamek and Mrs Heald

The Advent Term- What will we learn?

The Place where I Live- Loughborough

In English we are focusing on stories with familiar settings where the children will write an innovated story based on a traditional tale. Following this, our next topic focuses on non-chronological reports linked to Loughborough. Our final learning topic is based around poems on a theme where the children will construct their own innovated poem.

In Maths our learning begins focusing on Place Value, followed by Addition and Subtraction, and then moving onto Money.

In RE we begin exploring the Beginnings that each day offers, focusing on the Creation Story from Genesis. We will then look at another faith exploring the Shabbat in Judaism. Our final topic for the Advent term will be focusing on Signs and Symbols in Baptism.

Our Science topic focuses on exploring and observing plants in the local environment using nature diaries.

In Geography we are focusing on learning about the place where children live (and play) – Loughborough.

Our History learning will focus on significant places in Loughborough (including schools and playgrounds).

In Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) we will be learning about Emotional Wellbeing.

In Art & Design, children will have opportunities to create:

  • Observational drawings
  • Explore rubbing/texture
  • Shading
  • Printing

In PE, the children will start with Gymnastics, followed by dance.

You will see below our timetable for this next half term along with the knowledge organisers for our topic: The Place Where I Live.

Look out for up-to-date messages and homework on Class Dojo.

Many thanks,

Miss Buttarazzi, Mrs Adamek and Mrs Heald.

Year 2 Curriculum

Year 2 LTP


Extra Resources:

If you find your child needs extra practise in Maths or English – please use some of the workbooks and resources below to recap and revisit prior learning