Welcome to St. Lorenzo’s Class

Teacher: Miss Buttarazzi

Teaching Assistant(s): Mrs Adamek and Mrs Heald.

Mrs Truslove (1:1 Teaching Assistant)

The Lent 1 term- Explorers

In Year 2 for the Lent 1 term, we will be learning about:

English: In English we are focusing on stories by the same author where the children will write an innovated explorer story based around reading Simon Bartram stories. Following this, our next learning topic focuses on non-chronological reports where the children will create their own report based on an explorer which will be collated to form a class book to share with the school.

Maths: In Maths our learning begins focusing on Multiplication and Division, in particularly the 2’s, 5’s and 10’s to support fluency for the Year 2 SATs. Following this, we will be learning about Statistics where we will begin to look at tally charts and pictograms.

RE: In RE we begin our learning exploring the topic of ‘Books’ where we will look at the way the Bible is structured, in particularly the Gospels and different books used at Mass. Following this, we will learn about the topic ‘Thanksgiving’ where the children will explore The Last Supper and the 4 parts of Mass where we will make links to the Eucharist during Mass.

History: Our History learning will focus on what an explorer is and what significant explorers have found previously. For example, Neil Armstrong and Christopher Columbus.

Design and Technology: We will be learning about the construction of vehicles using vocabulary such as Chassis, Axles and wheels. The children will make a prototype to create a Lunar Rover that would be suitable to use on the moon if they were an Astronaut Explorer.

Relationship and Sex Education (RSE): we will be learning about Online Safety and Keeping Safe in our daily lives.

In PE, the children will be playing Invasion Games.

You will see below our timetable for this next half term along with the knowledge organisers for our new topic: Explorers.

In preparation for the children’s SATs in May we are going to be introducing intervention booster groups to develop the children’s confidence with reading style questions and Maths fluency with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Therefore, it is crucial that children are reading and playing on TT Rockstars at home every day for 10 minutes, which we will be monitoring. The children’s logon details are on the front of their reading diaries. We appreciate your support with this at home.

Many thanks,

Miss Buttarazzi

Memories from the Advent Term…

Our fantastic ‘It’s a Party’ Nativity.

Year 2 Curriculum

Year 2 LTP


Extra Resources:

If you find your child needs extra practise in Maths or English – please use some of the workbooks and resources below to recap and revisit prior learning