St Mary’s School is very blessed to be in a central location in Loughborough. This enables the school to be part of a fantastic Catholic community, with the Church of St Mary’s right at our doorstep and part of a wider community which includes Loughborough university, Loughborough College, local churches, local library and a wide range of schools. We have made fantastic links with all parts of the community and look forward to strengthening these.

St Mary’s School has enjoyed the strong parish links with St Mary’s church.  Please do visit the school and have a look at our prayer and Liturgy folder to see the partnership activities we have with the church, led by our very dedicated staff and supported wonderfully by the Parish priest Fr Paul and by Fr David.

St Mary’s School converted to an academy as part of the Blessed Cyprian Tansi Catholic Academy Trust. From September 2018, the school became part of the St Thomas Aquinas Multi-Academy Trust, with all 23 Catholic schools in Leicestershire. We partner Sacred Heart School in Leicester, which enables the children and staff to learn from each other and develop the prayer and Liturgy and Catholic Life and mission in both schools.

Tom Shannon, the St Thomas Aquinas Academy Chaplain supports the school, with school chaplain Lorley Shelton who works in the school for a day every fortnight, supporting the Catholic life and mission, Prayer and Liturgy and Chaplaincy Team in the school.