Our Staff look forward to welcoming and working with you and your child.
Senior Leadership Team
Headteacher : Miss P Jordan: DSL, Child Protection, Assessment, Attendance, Catholic Life, Prayer and Liturgy lead, History lead
Deputy Headteacher : Mrs J Rutledge: Deputy DSL, RE Lead, Curriculum and Pupil Premium Lead, Collective Worship, RSHE and MFL Lead
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo) : Mrs J Rutledge
Teaching Team
EYFS Class Teacher: Mrs E Hargrove – EYFS/ KS1 English Lead History Lead
Y1 Class Teacher : Mrs A Brown – Music Lead KS1 Math’s lead
Y2 Class Teacher : Miss E Buttarazzi – RSHE lead and joint RE lead
Y3 Class Teacher : Mr H Mount – PE Lead and Computing Lead
Y4 Class Teachers : Mrs Hill – Science Lead, Anti-Bullying and Eco-Committee Lead
Mrs Hunt – Art and Design lead and design and technology lead
Y5 Class Teacher : Miss Nicholls – KS2 Maths Lead
Y6 Class Teacher : Miss C Fonseca – Geography Lead KS2 English lead
Teaching Assistant Team:
Mrs M D’arcy : Teaching Assistant
Mrs S Shah : Teaching Assistant, Midday Supervisor
Mrs M Wilson : 1:1 Teaching Assistant, Cover Supervisor, Midday Supervisor and After-school Club Care
Mrs O’Connell : Teaching Assistant, Midday Supervisor, and Pupil Premium Teacher
Mrs D Heald : Teaching Assistant, Midday Supervisor and After-school Club Care
Mrs B Adamek : HLTA and Midday Supervisor
Mrs N Watkins : Teaching Assistant and ELSA
Mrs M Tumber : 1:1 Teaching Assistant
Mrs Singh: 1:1 Teaching Assistant
Miss Clarke: 1:1 Teaching Assistant
Mrs Truslove: 1:1 Teaching Assistant
Mr Stuart: Sport’s Coach
Mr Mitchell: Sport’s Coach Apprentice
Office and Premises Team:
Office Manager : Mrs AM Fox
Office Administration and Teaching Assistant : Mrs R Moore
Premises Officer : Mr B Neale
Premises Assistant: Mr J Wright
Midday Supervisor : Mrs A Delli-Sante