We welcome suggestions for improving our work in school. Be assured that, no matter what you want to tell us, our support and respect for your child will not be affected in any way.

Please tell us of your concern as soon as possible as it is difficult for us to investigate an incident or problem properly if it took place some time ago. We do appreciate the assistance we receive from parents, carers or visitors in addressing any problems that arise. Please also see the school’s behaviour policy and child protection policy. The behaviour policy states that parents should not approach other parents/ children if there has been an issue with the children in the classroom or playground, but must speak to the class teacher first and then if the problem is not rectified, then the Head teacher.

Sending Compliments 

We also have a folder in the front office which contains surveys, letters, cards and emails from visitors to our school with compliments. You can also email the school office.


We receive very few complaints. Problems sometimes arise from misunderstandings which are easily addressed. Most concerns and complaints can be sorted out quickly by speaking with your child’s class teacher. When parents/ carers and teaching staff treat each other with mutual respect and support, this provides a very good role model for all our children.


Speak to the class teacher about your concern and try and resolve at this first level. If you still have concerns, then you should arrange to see the Deputy Headteacher Mrs Rutledge. If there is still a concern, you can arrange a meeting with  Miss Jordan (Head teacher).

Our aim is to find a way forward together which serves the best interest of both  your child and the school.

In the unlikely event of the problem remaining unresolved you can put your complaint in writing and, subsequently refer it to the St Thomas Aquinas Academy Complaint Co-ordinator : Mrs J Banks. Please refer to the Academy Complaint’s procedure  below.