Welcome to St. Martin De Porres’ Class

Teacher: Miss Nicholls

Teaching Assistant: Mrs D’Arcy


Advent 2

This half term, our topic is called ‘A Kingdom United’ – a topic focused on learning about our country and where we live. In this topic, the children will learn in our blocked curriculum:

Geography – all about the UK, identify cities in the UK, create fact files about a city, label features of a river, understand the difference between rural and urban and compare where we live to a different country/biome such as the Amazon Rainforest.

History – an in-depth study about the Anglo-Saxon period, thinking about who they were, where they came from, where they settled and investigating the story of Beowulf.

Music – explore traditional music from the past and present, music from different cultures and learn to sing and perform the national anthem.

French – the names of different vegetables.

RSE – Created and Loved by God, looking at the Gospel story of the ‘Calming of the Storm’ from Matthew, Mark and Luke, considering changes of experience, growth and development.

Class Work