The Board of Governors at St Mary’s School is made up of a number of elected volunteers from the Nottingham Diocese, the local community, parents and staff. It is a wonderful experience being on the Governing Body of St Mary’s.
Foundation Governors are appointed by the Bishop from members of the parish, to ensure that the school is clearly recognisable as Christian and Catholic in its ethos and following the gospel values. T Parent Governors are elected by parents to represent the interests of parents and their children in the school. A governor’s term of office is usually for 4 years.
The Headteacher and the senior management team retain the responsibility for the day to day running of the school. The role of the governors, alongside the Headteacher and the senior team, is to ensure that:-

  • the Catholic ethos of the school is retained and expressed in all respects
  • the senior management team is held to account for all teaching and learning standards in the school
  • the curriculum is effectively and successfully taught
  • along with the Diocese who owns the site, there is a safe and clean school environment, internally and externally, for pupils and staff
  • children are safeguarded in terms of bullying, discrimination, radicalisation and road safety
  • there are good, meaningful, working relationships in the school
  • we continue to review the accommodation with class size and other needs and opportunities
  • we develop future plans for improvement as necessary
  • there is appropriate training for all governors
  • we promote and encourage closer relationships with the church community
  • there is a collaborative relationship with other schools in the Academy Trust
  • in all things to act as a critical but supportive friend to the school

Government legislation and Ofsted requirements mean that Governors are becoming increasingly accountable for setting out their aims and objectives and explaining how they are to be achieved. In this respect they are seen as an important part of the overall leadership and management of the school.

The full governing board meets twice a term. Their core focus are the Catholic life of the school and Standards.

The chair of Governors also deals with, Pupil Exclusions, Admissions annually.

At present the governors, their terms of office, and their  responsibilities are:

  1. Mrs Jane Monaghan – Foundation Governor and Chair
    [safeguarding, Catholic life, Pupil Premium)
  2. Mr Indi Tristanto– Foundation Governor and Vice Chair
    [Maths/ curr lead]
  3. Mrs Catherine Brady– Foundation Governor : (Pupil Premium / SEND)
  4. Fr. Simon Giles – Foundation Governor-
    [Catholic life, collective worship, RE)
  5. Fr David Jones- Foundation Governor:
  6. Mrs Elizabeth Sturgis– Foundation Governor
    (English/ phonics)
  7. Mrs. Anna Wade – Parent Governor  (RSE)
  8. Mrs. Julie Knutmba – Parent Governor

If you have any concerns regarding your child’s education or welfare in the school, these should be raised with the class teacher in the first instance, or with the Headteacher, who will be more than happy to help. However, you are welcome to contact the Chair of Governors should you feel dissatisfied with how any concerns are being managed. Please follow the school’s Academy complaint’s procedure after following the procedure above, which is on a tab on the school information page.)

It is important that everyone who comes into contact with our school has an awareness of who is on the Governing Body and what their role is. We hope this has given you some insight into who we are and what we do. If you would like to speak further with any Governor then please approach us at parent’s evening or contact us through the school office.