School Values and Ethos

Every child, parent, governor and member of the school community is unique in self, unique in qualities to offer. All aspects of our School, the relationships, the curriculum, the policies, the aims and objectives, the pastoral care and discipline have the potential to speak of God’s presence in our lives helping us to unlock our potential. The purpose of a Catholic school is to jointly ‘hand on the faith’ in partnership with home and parish. The faith journey is begun by parents at Baptism and our aim is to support each child in their journey of faith, working alongside parents, the first educators of the children. As a Catholic school we value the importance of the spiritual journey made by pupils, staff, parents, parishioners, governors and parish priests with the school acting as a cornerstone.

Our Aims

  • To ensure that each child feels happy, safe, valued and loved.
  • To provide an exciting, fun and enjoyable educational experience for each child and promote a life-long love of learning
  • To inspire our pupils to aim high, reach for the stars, be the best they can be and make the most of every opportunity that is given to them.
  • To ensure that each child meets their God given potential and is nurtured academically, spiritually, socially and emotionally.
  • To encourage each member of the school community to live their life in accordance with gospel values and to make a positive contribution to British society.
  • To make prayer, worship and liturgy relevant and meaningful for each individual and to provide a learning environment that will enhance the development of faith of everyone in the school community.
  • To work in partnership with parents, the parish, the community and other local schools, in order to provide a wide range of supportive interactions for our pupils.
  • To have lots of fun, make magical memories and share smiles every day!

British Fundamental Values

As a Catholic School in Leicestershire, we uphold Christian values and nurture our children within our caring Christian ethos.  In doing this we promote British Values.  Our British Values are also promoted through our PSHE, RE and RHSE programme   Miss Jordan (Headteacher), Mrs Hill ( PSHE lead) and Mrs Abell ( RE and RSE lead) are the British Values Champions, ensuring that all aspects are being monitored throughout the school.

All maintained schools must meet the requirements set out in section 78 of the Education Act 2002 and promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of their pupils. Through ensuring pupils’ SMSC development, schools can also demonstrate they are actively promoting fundamental British Values. As a Catholic school, in Leicestershire,  we also uphold Christian values and nurture our children within our caring Christian ethos. We encourage our pupils to treat all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance.

Democracy : we have a school council

  •  Our children vote for their class councillors.
  • Children vote for best deserving for prizes in Year 6 prize giving.
  •  Within school,  we discuss the importance of making the right choices and how this affects everyone within our community.
  •  Within classes children vote on rules, rewards and sanctions.

The Rule of Law

  •  Our school has an active Chaplaincy team that supports all children within the school working with teachers and Governors representing the best interests of all pupils.
  •  The school has a clear behaviour policy which it promotes in all aspects of school life.
  • The school has a very strong mission statement by which all members of the school community are expected to be guided.

Individual Liberty

  •  Our pupils are nurtured to be independent and to make the choices that are right for them and everyone in the school community.
  • Our children are encouraged to take part in as many extra-curricular activities as possible to broaden their horizons and find their talents.
  •  We address all forms of bullying so that all children can expect to be safe at school. ( See the anti-bullying page)
  •  All children are given a voice through the school Chaplaincy team and their “comment box”.

Mutual Respect

  • Throughout all of the Catholic RE teaching in St Mary’s we promote the message of respect for everyone we meet.
  • The ethos of our school, lived out every day in the behaviour we expect from all members of the school community, centres around mutual respect.
  • Sport plays a big part in our school and respect is nurtured through these activities.
  •  As part of the RE curriculum we study other faiths and traditions with the theme of respect being promoted at all times.
  •  Our Chaplains, Prefects and Ambassadors demonstrate respect in action for all of the younger pupils.

Combating Discrimination

    •  All teaching at St Mary’s teaches that we are all children of God no matter our race, creed, colour of physical abilities.
    • Children receive weekly achievers certificates for academic and non-academic successes.
    •  Children are grouped into House teams where they are encouraged to work for the success of the team, supporting all individual members.
    • The pupils fund raise at several points throughout the year supporting a number of charities and therefore people less advantaged than themselves.

Protected Characteristics- also the RSHE page on the Curriculum tab