Welcome to St Mary’s Catholic Primary School Website

St Mary’s is a one form entry Catholic Primary school.


School opens at 8.45 a.m  ( Doors open at 8.35a.m- school gates at 8.30a,m)

Closes at 3.15p.m ( Gates open at 3.05p.m)

The school provides 32.5 hours of schooling in a typical week.

There is an After school Wrap around Care Club which runs from Monday to Thursday and is open from 3.15p.m to 5.45p.m. This is run by one of the school teaching assistants. The school also has a before school club which is open from 8a.m.

Please see the awards below which the school has achieved.

Gold Beyond Bullying Award

GOLD St Mary’s Catholic Primary

Please do come and visit

OPEN MORNINGS: particularly to see our Wonderful EYFS unit if you are looking for a place for 25-26 Academic Year September

If you have not been able to attend these- please do ring the school as you can have a tour at any time.