Dear Parents/ Carers
The school is delighted that we can open again for all pupils. However in these uncertain times, if a year group or child needs to self isolate or there is a further lockdown, the school is ready with remote learning. Staff when planning, consider how their curriculum can be easily changed to remote learning and provision has been put in place for this through the school website or through a paper pack, if parents have difficulty with IT access.
We are excited to show you the fun learning and play that happens in each of our classes. Click on the different year groups at the side or on the bird logos on the home page. You can see what curriculum would be taught and can ask children to look up the science and topics too.
Most classes are placing their week’s homework on their class pages, in an attempt to look after the environment by reducing paper usage, but also particularly due to Covid restrictions, the school is limiting items transferring between school and home and vice-versa. Have a look and see what they need to do this week. The homework is designed to reinforce the class work or encourage the children to develop a new skill, particularly in using research and creative skills to find out about a subject they are studying.
Included on the class pages are newsletters about the curriculum, please have a look to see how rich the curriculum is in each of the classes, the use of collaborative learning and how links are made to make the best use of local resources, such as the church next door and the University.