As part of our commitment to educate the whole child, Relationships, Health and Sex Education is provided from EYFS to Year 6. We endeavour to raise pupils’ self-esteem, help them to grow in knowledge and understanding, recognise the value of all persons and develop caring and sensitive attitudes. It is in this context that we commit:
In partnership with parents, we aim to provide children and young people with a “positive and prudent sexual education” (Gravissimum Educationis 1) which is compatible with their physical, cognitive, psychological, and spiritual maturity, and rooted in a Catholic vision of education and the human person.
We strive to develop the following attitudes and virtues:
- reverence for the gift of human sexuality and fertility;
- respect for the dignity of every human being – in their own person and in the person of others;
- joy in the goodness of the created world and their own bodily natures;
- responsibility for their own actions and a recognition of the impact of these on others;
- celebrating the gift of life-long, self-giving love;
- recognising the importance of marriage and family life;
To develop the following personal and social skills:
- making sound judgements and good choices which have integrity, and which are respectful of the individual’s commitments;
- loving and being loved, and the ability to form friendships and loving, stable relationships free from exploitation, abuse and bullying;
- managing conflict positively, recognising the value of difference;
- cultivating humility, mercy and compassion, learning to forgive and be forgiven;
- developing self-esteem and confidence, demonstrating self-respect and empathy for others;
- building resilience and the ability to resist unwanted pressures, recognising the influence and impact of the media, internet and peer groups and so developing the ability to assess pressures and respond appropriately;
- assessing risks and managing behaviours in order to minimise the risk to health and personal integrity.
To know and understand:
- the Church’s teaching on relationships and the nature and meaning of sexual love;
- the Church’s teaching on marriage and the importance of marriage and family life;
- the centrality and importance of virtue in guiding human living and loving;
- the physical and psychological changes that accompany puberty;
- the facts about human reproduction, how love is expressed sexually and how sexual love plays an essential and sacred role in procreation;
At Saint Mary’s we have decided to adopt Life to the Full by Ten:Ten. Ten:Ten is an award-winning Catholic educational organisation that is well-respected and very experienced in this field of work. Life to the Full has been cited by the DfE as an example of good practice and is the only programme of study for RSHE from 3 – 18 years.
Ten Ten understands the important role parents have in educating their children and therefore provides an online Parent Portal to support families in facilitating open, healthy discussions on the topics covered in this subject. The portal provides example activities to support parent-child discussions, suggested conversation topics and how to answer difficult questions. Please find Saint Mary’s parents’ login details below:
Username: st-marys-le11
Password: purple-rose
RSHE Parent Portal link and password for TenTen lessons at St Mary’s.
Username: st-marys-le11
Password: purple-rose
Parent Portal:
Please find below the Ten:Ten Life to the Full parent session and the presentation Mrs Abell led to staff, governors and our parish priests, along with the Department for Education statutory guidance, Catholic Education Service model policy and our parent consultation documents.
Many thanks to all parents and families who responded to our online questionnaire which is still live and available for you to add your views.
RSHE Whole School Medium Plan 2023