At Saint Mary’s school, in line with all other Saint Thomas Aquinas Catholic Multi-Academy Trust Primaries, children learn French from Year 3 until they leave in Year 6.
Curriculum Intent
Our intent is that children will develop a love of language learning. They will be introduced to the French language through listening to music, traditional stories and native speakers; they will be able to articulate themselves, read stories and begin to understand the structures of French.
Children will grow in awareness of similarities and differences between cultures, deepening their understanding of the world, laying the foundation for future language learning to equip them eventually to work and study abroad.
At Saint Mary’s, French is taught across Key Stage 2, using Language Angels resources, supplemented by Singing French, Take 10 (song books with modern and traditional French songs), and French traditional story books. French is taught discreetly each week in Years 3 to 6.